Join the next Keto Green Smoothie Cleanse, running Monday, June 8 to Sunday, June 14! It features a private Facebook group, daily check-ins, and an inspiring group atmosphere!
Ready to lose weight, crush carb cravings, and supercharge your body in only 7 days? Join the next Keto Green Smoothie Cleanse!
How to Join the June 8-14 Keto Green Smoothie Cleanse
STEP #1: Purchase a copy of The 7-Day Keto Green Smoothie Cleanse.
STEP #2: Within the ebook, you’ll find a link to The Keto Green Smoothie Cleansers Club. Join it (it’s free!) to get the link to the Facebook group.
Does the Cleanse Work? Reviews from the Last Cleanse Group!
You bet it does! Here are some of the awesome reviews from the last live cleanse group:
Some of the weight losses shared in the last live cleanse group:
- Down 6 pounds!
- Down 8 pounds!
- Down 3 pounds!
- Down 3.4 pounds!
- Down 2 pounds!
- Down 4.8 pounds!
- Down 5 pounds!
- Down 7.2 pounds!
How to Get Your Menu Plan for the Cleanse
It’s easy! It’s in the program you’re purchasing to qualify for the cleanse. 😊 You can choose to follow the menu plan as listed, or you can follow the customization options and make your very own version of the cleanse.
Want to Join Future Live Cleanses?
The best news of all: once you purchase the ebook, you can join all future live 7-day cleanses for FREE!
How? Through your free membership to The Keto Green Smoothie Cleansers Club! We’re going to run through the cleanse live every 8 weeks, so just make sure you’re in the Cleansers Club Facebook group to join in the fun.
I Want to Learn More about the Cleanse!
Great! There is TONS of information over on the sales page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions? Leave them in the comments or shoot me an email!
Do you eat any solid food on the cleanse?
Yes! Days 1 to 5 include one or two (depending on the day) solid meals a day.
Do you ship all of the smoothie ingredients to me?
I wish I could, but I would need to charge a lot more for the cleanse if I did that. This is a “purchase your own ingredients” cleanse. You are paying for an eBook that outlines the recipes and ingredients required.
Do I need to buy a lot of special ingredients for the cleanse?
Most ingredients will be available at your local grocery store. There are a few ingredients that will likely require online ordering, like Lakanto maple-flavored syrup, and there are a few “specialty” ingredients such as erythritol, MCT oil, and chia seeds.
Note: Some of the specialty ingredients may be tricky to source outside of the U.S. and Canada. If you have any concerns about the availability of ingredients in your location, please email me.
Who is this cleanse best suited for?
This cleanse is great for people who:
- Are new to keto
- Have been on keto for a while, but want to boost their veggie intake
- Have been on keto for a while, but are bored with their current diet/want a “reset”
- Have been on keto and are experiencing a weight loss plateau
- Have been on keto in the past, but have fallen off the wagon
Who shouldn’t do this cleanse?
If you are being treated for a medical condition and/or you are on any medications, please consult your doctor before embarking on the cleanse. This is especially true if you have a medical condition and/or you are on any medications (especially medical conditions and/or medications that may be impacted by a high fat intake, high vegetable intake, or very low carb intake).
How much weight will I lose?
Most participants lose between 3 and 7 pounds. It’s tough to say how much you will lose exactly; that depends on:
- How much weight you have to lose (people with more weight to lose will likely see a bigger loss)
- Where you were with keto prior to this (people coming from a carb-heavy diet will likely see a larger drop in the scale due to the loss of water weight)
- How many optional snacks you consume
- For women, where you are on your cycle (women’s bodies, unfortunately, are great at retaining water during certain time periods)
But don’t worry, I will give you several post-cleanse options that will help you continue your weight loss after the cleanse ends!
Do I need to exercise?
Nope. In fact, I recommend that you keep exercise to a minimum during the seven days.
Do I need to give up caffeine?
Not at all! Coffee and tea are two of your optional snacks.
How many people does the cleanse feed?
Each smoothie recipe is for one person. The lunch and dinner recipes vary; some produce one serving, while others produce two to four. You can feed others in your household or freeze the extra servings for post-cleanse.
How is the program delivered?
You will receive the cleanse program in a ZIP file containing two PDFs (one full-size, and another with two pages per sheet for easy printing). You can view it on your phone, tablet, or computer, as well as print off a hard copy if you’d like.
Is there a longer version of the cleanse once I’ve finished the 7 days?
Yep! You can grab a copy of The 30-Day Keto Green Smoothie Diet.
Have More Questions?
Have more questions? Leave them in the comments or shoot me an email!
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